Local Events

EASTER WEEK or ‘Semana Santa’ is a very important time in Spain and the processions are both spectacular and medieval. There are big processions all week in Malaga, Seville, Antequera etc. but these can be very crowded.  In the village there are parades on Thursday and Friday of Easter week and you can join with hundreds of people following the procession around the steep, narrow streets at night. The procession frequently stops as members of the public sing the very solemn form of flamenco called “saetas” You will notice that most houses have a light lit over the front door and the doors are open to welcome the holy spirit into their homes.

Summer time is party time in Spain and there is a street fair or “FERIA” in most towns and villages from spring to Autumn. One of the Earliest is the HORSE FAIR IN JEREZ in May right through to the famous FERIA IN FUENGIROLA in October. Fuengirola is only 50 kms away, and the Flamenco Mass at the little church in the Main square is broadcast to hundreds of people outside, many in traditional costume and mounted on the most splendid horses.

The FERIA in the village in mid August is a much smaller affair and very family orientated. There is a small street funfair and famous groups, either rock or flamenco, perform. There are also free concerts in the main square.

During the week long FERIA IN MALAGA, also in August, the central streets are taken over by horsemen and flamenco dancers.There is a huge funfair just out of the town.

ANTEQUERA FERIA, our favourite by far, is also held in mid August and is an absolute must to visit. There are daytime activities but generally the crowds start to build up after about 10 at night and it is traditional to drink hot chocolate with churros from around 3 in the morning.

The ROMERIA or pilgrimage in the village grows in popularity each year and is well attended by villagers and visitors alike. Large groups of people make their way to Malaga with El Cristo de la Sierra in a bullock cart. They then spend almost a week walking back to the village or riding in highly decorated gipsy caravans or on horseback. The final Sunday is a huge picnic and party in the mountains at the outskirts of the village. Plenty of food, wine, dancing and music. The Romeria is usually the first Sunday in May and the cavalcade pass by the gates of Loma la Parra on its final descent to the village.

(local events cont’d) Other festivities include San Juan in June;  Carnaval in February and  La route de las Tapas in January.